jueves, 24 de octubre de 2013

A country I would like to visit

I would like to visit many countries, but if I have to choose one now, I say I would like to visit France. I'm not sure why, but it has somethings that I consider very interesting. For example the architecture, that in some cities like Santiago and Buenos Aires try to imitate. The idea that the constructions in Paris can't measure more than one height fixed is exciting for me, because the buildings aren't invasive and make possible contemplate the sky and enjoy the stars in the night. Obviously, Paris has beautiful monuments and places that I would like to visit as many people, for example "río Senna" and the "Torre Eiffel". 
One of things that I like to do is to read poetry and novels. I like the art in general and everybody knows that France was a place of many artists. Then it is more attractive for me to have the possibility to visit the places where they thought and developed their work.
 If I have the fortune of go to France, I think that I would try to travel for many cities and learn a lot about their language and culture. For example, I would like to visit Charleville because it’s the city when borned Arthur Rimbaud that is a poet that I admire.
 Another thing that I enjoy very much is watch football and the French league is very funny and competitive so I could go to see French football in French stadiums.

I think I could live in France for a pair of years. Maybe, I could study something related with education, but I couldn’t stay all my life there, because I would like to live in different places and countries.

jueves, 10 de octubre de 2013

Is possible discover a liar?

The piece of news I selected is about the possibility of discover a liar. Generally, people think that the best form to know if someone is telling us the truth is looking directly to the eyes and see if they move the look when speak, but according with the experts mention in the article don't exist basis to make these assertions. The psychologist Richard Wiseman says that trust in this idea could be a problem because the people can control easily their look and deceive to others looking directly to eyes when in fact is making a big lie. Wiseman explain that a best form to discern if someone is saying the truth is  to listen to the person's voice and words, because the liar tend to use more "uhm and ahhs" and don't refer to themselves so much. However, neither is a perfect way to discern untruths. Judi James, an expert body lenguage, think the same that Wiseman and declare that the body-lenguage clues never can tell us exactly what is thinking a person. The piece of news was write because David Cameron, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, declare have a skill to discern untruths, however the experts coincide in that he can't trust in this, bacause don't exist basis. For that, James advise that he need some coaching to don't make mistake in world conferences and financial meetings.



jueves, 3 de octubre de 2013

My favourite movie: I am Sam

I’m not sure what is my favorite movie, but I think that one of the more special to me is “I am Sam”. It's a film starring Sean Penn and it was open in 2001. Sean Penn represents a man with developmental disability who has a daughter with his girlfriend, but the same day of the birth, she leaves her family, and Sam (Sean Penn) takes on all the responsibilities in the upbringing of his daughter (Lucy). The story takes place in a suburb of United States. The conflict in the movie is that Sam is accused for his mental retardation and loses the care of Lucy. The performance of Sean Penn is really brilliant, because the gestures and the attitude are very natural. For that, Sean Penn was nominated to Award for best actor.

I have always preferred watch movies at cinema. I’m going to the cinema like four times for week, but this movie I saw in my house.

My favorite part of the movie is when Lucy is adopted for a family of a smart neighborhood and Sam makes all the possible things to go to live near his daughter. I like this movie for the performance of Sean Penn, for the topic and specially for the music, because all the soundtrack is composed by covers of The beatles's songs. I wouldn't change anything in the movie, because I think that is a work of art to think and cry.

jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2013

My ideal job

When I started to study psychology I didn't sure about in what place work after of graduation, nevertheless I knew that I liked the education topics. At present, I think that I’m going to work in a school. I don’t really like the psychology profession, so I’m thinking in study pedagogy and work as teacher in a school. I always liked to think in strategies to do that the people love and enjoy the literature.  My ideal job would be working with students of primary in different schools of Chile. I like to travel and I don’t feel good staying for long time in one place, so I would like work a pair of years in one school and then go to other town or city. I’m not very interest in the salary, so I think that I could work in almost any place. Probably it’s not an easy work and I have to be patient, because I would have to study 5 years more. 

jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2013

First term: Good and bad points.

My first term was really strange. In that period I understood that my interests are very clear, nevertheless in the university I can’t realize. For example, I knew that I want to work in a school in the future, but I’m not in agreement with the work that the psychologists do in the school.
I think that I would be happier if I had study pedagogy. That was a positive and negative thing, because I know that I don’t like the things that I’m doing now and that I lost my time all these years. One good thing is that I decided to study pedagogy in the future, so I am studying things related with the education and learning.

I don’t like to study so much, so I try to do different things. For example in my first term I played football every Mondays with my classmates. It was really funny because we invited different people to play with us. Later we met to drink a lot of beer.